Figment Tapper: Day 1 - 1st & 2nd Milestone
On July 7th, the Figment tapper has started and I completed the post-event quests.
This tapper has started.
The tapper is a tier 1 tapper.
The leaderboard for this tapper.
Quest Complete! He's Got Grievances! Anger finished this quest.
Quest Complete! Forewarned is Forearmed. Fear finished this quest.
Quest Complete! Contradiction in Terms? Sadness finished this quest.
Quest Complete! Choice of Vegetable. Disgust finished this quest.
Madame Medusa is now level 7.
I was able to reach the 1st milestone. It was some Happiness and Bronze Chests.
I was able to reach the 2nd milestone. It was some Elixir Ingots and Happiness.
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