
Showing posts from July, 2023

Figment Tapper: Day 4 - Tapper Results

 July 10th, I got the tapper leaderboard results and continued leveling up. I was rank #1908 and received Figaro is now level 9.  Honest John is leveling up.

Figment Tapper: Day 3 - Leveling Up

 On July 9th, I worked on leveling up characters.  Joy is now level 3. All Inside Out characters are at least level 3. Quest Complete! Glide and Pivot. Joy finished this quest. Geppetto is now level 9.  Figaro is leveling up.

Figment Tapper: Day 2 - 3rd & 4th Milestone

 On July 8th, I was able to reach the next two milestones and leveled up a character. I was able to reach the 3rd milestone. It was some Happiness and a Decoration Chest. Gopher is now level 2. All current Winnie the Pooh characters are at least level 2. I was able to reach the 4th milestone. It was some Happiness and an Epic Blueprint.

Figment Tapper: Day 1 - 1st & 2nd Milestone

On July 7th, the Figment tapper has started and I completed the post-event quests.  This tapper has started. The tapper is a tier 1 tapper. The leaderboard for this tapper. Quest Complete! He's Got Grievances! Anger finished this quest. Quest Complete! Forewarned is Forearmed. Fear finished this quest. Quest Complete! Contradiction in Terms? Sadness finished this quest. Quest Complete! Choice of Vegetable. Disgust finished this quest. Madame Medusa is now level 7. I was able to reach the 1st milestone. It was some Happiness and Bronze Chests.  I was able to reach the 2nd milestone. It was some Elixir Ingots and Happiness.

Inside Out Event: Day 22 - Last Day

 On July 6th, the event finished and I was able to start the Post-Event quests. Quest Complete! Eureka Moment. Gopher finished this quest. Fear is now level 6. Anger is now level 5. Inside Out Emotional Whirlwind has reached the 1st enchantment. The Inside Out Event Finished and I received some Gems converted from the Event Currency. Sadness has a new quest. Fear has a new quest. Anger has a new quest. Disgust has a new quest. Madame Medusa is leveling up.

Inside Out Event: Day 21 - Completed Event

On July 5th, I continued the Event storyline as well as started quests for the newest Winnie the Pooh character. I have all 5 characters.  I completed all 8 Event Goals. Quest Complete! In Line. Joy finished this quest. I was able to reach rank #7 and received some Event Currency and Common Blueprints. Joy and Disgust have a task, and Sadness and Fear have a quest. Joy needs to level up. Joy is now level 2. Quest Complete! Wakey, Wakey. Joy, Disgust, Sadness, and Fear finished this quest. The Inside Out Event storyline is completed. Quest Complete! A Strange Smell. Great Prince finished this quest. Quest Complete! Big Job! Gopher finished this quest. Quest Complete! Book's Broken! Gopher finished this quest. Quest Complete! Some Light Editing. Gopher finished this quest. Quest Complete! Third-Person Omniscient. Gopher finished this quest.  Gopher has a new quest.