Encanto Event Day 7: Built Isabela's Room
On March 22nd, the striking gold finished and I was able to finish building Isabela's Room.
I was able to reach rank #15 and received some Event Currency and Encanto Relics.
I received some Gifts from DMK. I received Gems, Happiness, Bronze Chests, and Silver Chests.
Quest Complete! Watch the Frame! Isabela's Room is in the Kingdom.
Luisa and Isabela have a new quest. Luisa needs to level up.
Luisa is now level 4.
I completed the 4th event goal.
Quest Complete! Tossed Flowers. Isabela and Luisa finished this quest.
Luisa and Isabela have a new quest. Isabela needs to level up.
Isabela is now level 3.
Quest Complete! Slither Away! Sir Hiss finished this quest.
Prince John and Sir Hiss have a new quest.
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