
Showing posts from October, 2024

Minnie's Parasols Tapper: October 4th - 7th

 On October 4th-7th, the Minnie's Parasols tapper happened. The tapper has started. The Parasols that will need to be found and tapped in the Kingdom. The milestones for this tapper. The leaderboard for this tapper. I reached the 1st milestone. It was some Happiness and Bronze Chest. I reached the 2nd milestone. It was some Happiness and Elixirs. I reached the 3rd milestone. It was some Happiness and Silver Chest. On October 5th, I reached the 4th milestone. It was some Happiness and Concession Stand. On October 7th, I placed rank #95 on the leaderboard. It was some Happiness and Blueprints.

Silly Symphony Event Day 22: Last Day

On October 3rd, the Silly Symphony event finished and the post event quests started. The event finished and the currency converted to Gems. The Hydra is now level 9. The Hydra has a new quest. Fifer Pig has a new quest. Fiddler Pig has a new quest. Little Red Riding Hood has a new quest. Practical Pig has a new quest. The Big Bad Wolf is now level 3.  The Big Bad Wolf has a new quest.

Silly Symphony Event Day 20-21: Striking Gold Results

 On October 1st-2nd,  I continued leveling up and the Striking Gold Results. Cave of Wonders has reached the 2nd enchantment. It can now drop more magic. Marie is now level 10. Striking Gold leaderboard I placed rank #7. I received Event Currency and Silly Symphony Relics. The Lotus Fountain has reached the 2nd enchantment. It can now drop more magic. Quest Complete! Make an Entrance. Prince Achmed finished this quest. Quest Complete! A Little Late... Prince Achmed finished this quest.

Silly Symphony Event Day 19: Welcomed The Big Bad Wolf

 On September 30th, I was able to welcome the last character into the Kingdom. Quest Complete! Welcome a... Well, You Know. The Big Bad Wolf is in the Kingdom. I have completed the current Silly Symphony character collection. I have 5 out of 5 characters. I have completed the event goals. Quest Complete! Bigger and Badder! The Big Bad Wolf finished this quest. The Pigs and Wolf have new tasks. Some still need to level up. The Big Bad Wolf is now level 2. Practical Pig is now level 4. Quest Complete! Happily Ever After. The Pigs and Wolf finished this quest. I completed the event.

Silly Symphony Event Day 18: Unlocked The Big Bad Wolf

 On September 29th, after completing the Battle Grounds I unlocked the last character. Quest Complete! Practically Finished. Practical and Fifer Pig finished this quest. The next Battle Ground has started. The last Striking Gold has started. Quest Complete! Blow Him Away! The Battle Ground has been completed. I can now start collecting tokens for the Big Bad Wolf. BURN-E is now level 7. Fairfolk Whirlpool has reached the 2nd enchantment. It can now drop Gurgi Ears Hat tokens.